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Tomando medidas para proteger #OurHearts - nuestros corazones-

(NewsUSA) - La enfermedad cardíaca es la principal causa de muerte en los Estados Unidos: 1 de cada 5 personas muere a causa de ella cada año, a pesar de que en gran medida se puede prevenir. Las investigaciones muestran que es probable que muchos estadounidenses desarrollen algún tipo de enfermedad cardíaca,[i] pero usted no tiene que ser uno de ellos. De acuerdo con el Instituto Nacional del Corazón, los Pulmones y la Sangre (NHLBI, por sus siglas en inglés), usted puede tomar medidas haciendo pequeños cambios en su estilo de vida que ayuden a reducir su riesgo y mejorar su salud en general. [ii][iii][iv][v][vi][vii][viii][ix][x]

El programa The Heart Truth® de NHLBI lo anima a unirse al movimiento #OurHearts

- nuestros corazones - y tomar estas medidas para apoyar un estilo de vida saludable para el corazón:

  • Coma mejor. Seleccione aperitivos nutritivos. Pruebe frutas enteras, frutas secas, galletas de arroz sin sal, yogur sin grasa y bajo en grasa, o verduras crudas.[xi] Use hierbas y especias en lugar de sal.
  • Añada más movimiento a su día. Siéntese menos. Suba las escaleras. Estacione su carro a una buena distancia a pie de su destino. Marche en su lugar o camine alrededor de la cuadra.[xii] ¡Cualquier cosa que haga latir su corazón cuenta!
  • Deje (o no comience) de/a fumar. Haga una lista de las razones por las que desea dejar de fumar, seleccione una fecha para dejar de fumar y hable con un proveedor de servicios médicos sobre los recursos que pueden ayudarlo.[xiii]
  • Duerma lo suficiente. Si es posible, trate de dormir al menos de 7 a 9 horas cada noche. Acuéstese y levántese a la misma hora todos los días.[xiv]  
  • Controle el estrés. Utilice técnicas de relajación que combinen la respiración y la atención centrada en pensamientos e imágenes agradables para calmar la mente y el cuerpo.[xv]
  • Mantenga un peso saludable. Hable con su proveedor de servicios médicos si su peso está dentro de un rango saludable. Si necesita perder peso, elija alimentos saludables, haga ejercicio con regularidad y considere unirse a un programa de pérdida de peso.
  • Controle el colesterol. Elija alimentos saludables, como limitar las grasas saturadas que se encuentran en los cortes grasos de carne, productos lácteos y postres, aumente su actividad física y no fume.[xvi] 
  • Controle el azúcar en la sangre. Controle su consumo de carbohidratos y elija carbohidratos complejos, como granos integrales y legumbres, para ayudar a controlar los niveles de azúcar en la sangre.[xvii]
  • Controle la presión arterial. Haga revisar su presión arterial en cada visita de atención médica.[xviii] Pregúntele a su proveedor si debe monitorear su presión arterial en casa. Conocer sus números es un primer paso importante para asegurarse de que los suyos estén en un rango saludable.

Dedique un poco de tiempo cada día a su corazón. Recuerde, el cuidado personal es el cuidado del corazón. Pídale a un familiar o amigo que lo acompañe en su viaje hacia la salud del corazón. Las redes personales hacen que sea más fácil mantener hábitos saludables para el corazón que pueden ayudar a mantener #OurHearts - nuestros corazones - saludables de por vida.

Para obtener más información sobre cómo tomar medidas para el corazón y prevenir enfermedades cardíacas, visite



[ii]Scarapicchia TMF, Amireault S, Faulkner G, et al. Social support and physical activity participation among healthy adults: a systematic review of prospective studies. Int Rev Sport Exerc Psychol. 2017;10(1):50–83.

[iii]Lemstra M, Bird Y, Fox J, et al. The Healthy Weights Initiative: results from the first 2,000 participants. Patient Prefer Adherence. 2018;12:1167–1174.

[iv]Poncela-Casasnovas J, Spring B, McClary D, et al. Social embeddedness in an online weight management programme is linked to greater weight loss. J R Soc Interface. 2015;12(104):20140686.

[v]Robinson E, Thomas J, Aveyard P, et al. What everyone else is eating: a systematic review and meta-analysis of the effect of informational eating norms on eating behavior. J Acad Nutr Diet. 2014;114(3):414–429.

[vi]Burton E, Farrier K, Hill KD, et al. Effectiveness of peers in delivering programs or motivating older people to increase their participation in physical activity: systematic review and meta-analysis. J Sports Sci. 2018;36(6):666–678.

[vii]Lightner J, Irwin BC, Chrisman M. Changes in social integration predict changes in physical activity: a 25-year prospective study. J Phys Act Health. 2018;15(7):531–536.

[viii]Mitchell SA, Kneipp SM, Giscombe CW. Social factors related to smoking among rural, low-income women: findings from a systematic review. Public Health Nurs. 2016;33(3):214–223.

[ix]Creswell KG, Cheng Y, Levine MD. A test of the stress-buffering model of social support in smoking cessation: is the relationship between social support and time to relapse mediated by reduced withdrawal symptoms? Nicotine Tob Res. 2015;17(5):566–571.

[x]Pechmann C, Delucchi K, Lakon CM, et al. Randomised controlled trial evaluation of Tweet2Quit: a social network quit-smoking intervention. Tob Control. 2017;26(2):188–194.

[xi]Making the Move to DASH PDF




[xv]Stress | NCCIH (; Relaxation Techniques: What You Need To Know | NCCIH (

[xvi]Blood Cholesterol - Treatment | NHLBI, NIH

[xvii]Get to Know Carbs | ADA (

[xviii]Heart-Healthy Living - Get Your Blood Pressure and Cholesterol Checked | NHLBI, NIH

Taking Action to Protect #OurHearts

(NewsUSA) - Heart disease is the leading cause of death in the United States – 1 in 5 people die from it each year, even though it is largely preventable. Research shows that many Americans will likely develop some form of heart disease,[i] but you don’t have to be one of them. According to the National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute (NHLBI), you can take action by making small lifestyle changes that help reduce your risk and improve your overall health.[ii][iii][iv][v][vi][vii][viii][ix][x]

NHLBI’s The Heart Truth® program encourages you to join the #OurHearts movement and take these actions to support a heart-healthy lifestyle:

  • Eat better. Select nutritious snacks. Try whole fruits, dried fruits, unsalted rice cakes, fat-free and low-fat yogurt, or raw vegetables.[xi]Use herbs and spices instead of salt.
  • Add more movement to your day. Sit less. Take the stairs. Park a good walking distance away from your destination. March in place, or walk around the block.[xii] Anything that gets your heart beating counts!
  • Stop (or don’t start) smoking. Make a list of the reasons you want to quit, select a quit date, and talk to a healthcare provider about resources that can help.[xiii]
  • Get enough quality sleep. If possible, aim for at least 7–9 hours of sleep each night. Go to bed and wake up at the same time each day.[xiv] 
  • Manage stress. Use relaxation techniques that combine breathing and focused attention on pleasing thoughts and images to calm the mind and body.[xv]
  • Maintain a healthy weight. Discuss with your healthcare provider if your weight is in a healthy range. If you need to lose weight, choose healthy foods, get regular exercise, and consider joining a weight loss program.
  • Control cholesterol. Make healthy food choices, like limiting saturated fats found in fatty cuts of meat, dairy products, and desserts, increase your physical activity, and don’t smoke. [xvi]
  • Manage blood sugar. Monitor your carbohydrate intake and choose complex carbohydrates, like whole grains and legumes, to help control blood sugar levels.[xvii]
  • Control blood pressure. Get your blood pressure checked at each healthcare visit.[xviii]Ask your provider if you should monitor your blood pressure at home. Knowing your numbers is an important first step to making sure yours are in a healthy range.

Devote a little time each day to your heart. Remember, self-care is heart care. Ask a family member or friend to join you on your heart-health journey. Personal networks make it easier to stick to heart-healthy habits that can help keep #OurHearts healthy for life.

To learn more about how to take action for your heart and prevent heart disease, visit


[ii]Scarapicchia TMF, Amireault S, Faulkner G, et al. Social support and physical activity participation among healthy adults: a systematic review of prospective studies. Int Rev Sport Exerc Psychol. 2017;10(1):50–83.

[iii]Lemstra M, Bird Y, Fox J, et al. The Healthy Weights Initiative: results from the first 2,000 participants. Patient Prefer Adherence. 2018;12:1167–1174.

[iv]Poncela-Casasnovas J, Spring B, McClary D, et al. Social embeddedness in an online weight management programme is linked to greater weight loss. J R Soc Interface. 2015;12(104):20140686.

[v]Robinson E, Thomas J, Aveyard P, et al. What everyone else is eating: a systematic review and meta-analysis of the effect of informational eating norms on eating behavior. J Acad Nutr Diet. 2014;114(3):414–429.

[vi]Burton E, Farrier K, Hill KD, et al. Effectiveness of peers in delivering programs or motivating older people to increase their participation in physical activity: systematic review and meta-analysis. J Sports Sci. 2018;36(6):666–678.

[vii]Lightner J, Irwin BC, Chrisman M. Changes in social integration predict changes in physical activity: a 25-year prospective study. J Phys Act Health. 2018;15(7):531–536.

[viii]Mitchell SA, Kneipp SM, Giscombe CW. Social factors related to smoking among rural, low-income women: findings from a systematic review. Public Health Nurs. 2016;33(3):214–223.

[ix]Creswell KG, Cheng Y, Levine MD. A test of the stress-buffering model of social support in smoking cessation: is the relationship between social support and time to relapse mediated by reduced withdrawal symptoms? Nicotine Tob Res. 2015;17(5):566–571.

[x]Pechmann C, Delucchi K, Lakon CM, et al. Randomised controlled trial evaluation of Tweet2Quit: a social network quit-smoking intervention. Tob Control. 2017;26(2):188–194.

[xi]Making the Move to DASH PDF




[xv]Stress | NCCIH (; Relaxation Techniques: What You Need To Know | NCCIH (

[xvi]Blood Cholesterol - Treatment | NHLBI, NIH

[xvii]Get to Know Carbs | ADA (

[xviii]Heart-Healthy Living - Get Your Blood Pressure and Cholesterol Checked | NHLBI, NIH

‘Making Every Vote Count’ Report Sparks National Dialogue on Electoral College Overhaul

(NewsUSA) - The Making Every Vote Count Foundation (MEVC) just announced the findings of a detailed report to answer a question pondered by the American public, voters and scholars for decades:  How can we improve the Electoral College system we use to elect the President?  With the 2024 presidential election in full swing, the Electoral College remains as flawed as it was the day the Constitution was ratified, leading to increasingly disenfranchised voters, enhanced national division, and the election of candidates who may not have received the most votes.

The MEVC report, titled “Improving Our Electoral College System, brings into focus the centuries-old shortcomings of the Electoral College and several possible alternatives to a system that does not reflect the democratic value of all votes counting equally.  MEVC, a leading nonpartisan nonprofit dedicated to educating the American public about the presidential selection system, offers its report to provoke a national conversation on five paths to reforming the presidential election system.

“Many Americans have legitimate concerns about how we elect our President and whether the Electoral College system violates the fundamental democratic principle of equal representation,” said Elizabeth Cavanagh, Chair and CEO of MEVC and Director of the Doctor of Juridical Science (SJD) Program at American University Washington College of Law.  “The stark disparities in voter turnout between ‘safe’ and swing states, coupled with the disproportionate impact on underrepresented groups, underscore the urgent need for Electoral College reform.”

The report was prepared by MEVC following a collaboration over the past year with leading scholars and nonprofit organizations working on voting rights and election issues to analyze the Electoral College’s weaknesses, understand its strengths, and evaluate various reform proposals.  MEVC offers the report to advance public education about the historical roots of the Electoral College and to spark debate about whether the Electoral College still serves our modern democratic system of choosing elected officials by a vote of the people.  The report includes a detailed strategy for voter outreach, engagement and education ahead of the 2024 presidential election, led by MEVC with contributions from the American Constitution Society (ACS).

“It is time that we once again have a sustained national conversation about alternatives to the Electoral College -- an electoral system that is clumsily complex, distorts presidential campaigns by focusing all attention on swing states, and permits a candidate who receives fewer votes to become President,” commented Professor Alex Keyssar, Professor of History and Social Policy at Harvard Kennedy School, and author of the 2020 book entitled, Why Do We Still Have the Electoral College.  “A majority of Americans have long believed that the electoral system needs change.  Fifty years ago, Congress came within a few votes of approving a constitutional amendment for a national popular vote, and I agree with MEVC that the time is right for a wide-ranging discussion about the value of the Electoral College.”

A Need for Greater Education and Awareness Around Electoral College Reform

MEVC issued this report at a time when public confidence in our Presidential election system is at historic lows.  In the coming months, MEVC and other nonprofit organizations will host educational summits and webinars, stakeholder briefings, and engage with all forms of the media to help Americans understand and debate the future of the Electoral College system.

Engaging a diverse cross-section of American society, MEVC will lead discussions of Electoral College reforms in order to have a more inclusive and resilient presidential election system.

About Making Every Vote Count Foundation
MEVC is a 501 (c) (3) nonprofit, nonpartisan organization dedicated to educating the public about the weaknesses of the current presidential election system and possible reforms of that system. We believe that the outcome of a presidential election should reflect the will of the voters, not only because we believe in the principle that all votes should be equal but also because when presidential election outcomes don't reflect the will of the voters or are perceived not to, public distrust of our democracy follows. Visit our website at

Una nueva directriz ayuda a ampliar el grupo de donación de sangre

(NewsUSA) - - ¿Creía que no era elegible para donar sangre? Las directrices actualizadas hacen posible que muchas más personas que nunca donen -  


Las donaciones de sangre son esenciales para cirugías, tratamientos contra el cáncer, enfermedades crónicas y lesiones traumáticas.[1]Pero solo el 3% de los estadounidenses elegibles donan sangre cada año.[1] Las directrices federales recientes pueden ayudar a cambiar eso. En mayo de 2023, la Administración de Alimentos y Medicamentos (FDA por sus siglas en inglés) eliminó su período de espera general para hombres homosexuales, bisexuales y otros hombres que tienen sexo con hombres (HSH) y mujeres que tienen sexo con HSH. La agencia ahora recomienda evaluaciones de detección de donantes individuales para establecer la elegibilidad.[2], [3] 

"Esto representa un cambio hacia un enfoque más inclusivo y basado en la ciencia para la elegibilidad para la donación de sangre", dice la Dra. Kamille West-Mitchell, jefa de la sección de servicios de sangre en el departamento de medicina transfusional del Centro Clínico de los Institutos Nacionales de la Salud. "Reconoce que la atención debería centrarse en evaluar los factores de riesgo individuales de infecciones transmitidas por la sangre en lugar de hacer exclusiones basadas en la orientación sexual". 

Otros grupos que son elegibles para donar sangre y tal vez no lo sepan incluyen adolescentes que tienen al menos 16 años (en la mayoría de los estados) y personas cuyas enfermedades crónicas están siendo controladas mediante tratamiento.[4], [5]  

Según las nuevas directrices, todos los posibles donantes de sangre, independientemente de su género u orientación sexual, ahora responderán preguntas sobre su historial sexual para determinar si tienen un alto riesgo de contraer el VIH. Si un posible donante ha tenido una nueva pareja sexual o más de una pareja sexual y ha tenido sexo anal en los últimos tres meses, se aplazará temporalmente.[6] Los posibles donantes que toman medicamentos para prevenir o reducir la probabilidad de infección por VIH (PrEP o PEP, por sus siglas en inglés) también pueden ser aplazados porque esos medicamentos pueden retrasar la detección del VIH.[6]

Un proceso de selección de donantes equitativo es fundamental para un sistema de suministro de sangre seguro y confiable,[6] y los funcionarios de la FDA dicen que los nuevos requisitos continuarán garantizando la seguridad tanto de los donantes como de los receptores.[6], [7]

Mientras tanto, la demanda de sangre sigue siendo constante. Los bancos de sangre de todo el país necesitan urgentemente donantes de todo tipo. Pero algunos están en demanda particular. Por ejemplo, los donantes afro-americanos pueden ayudar a los pacientes afro-americanos con tipos de sangre raros que a menudo necesitan sangre donada por alguien de la misma raza. 

¿Está interesado en marcar una diferencia para salvar vidas? Conviértase en donante. 

Para obtener más información, visite el Programa educativo sobre enfermedades y trastornos de la sangre del Instituto Nacional del Corazón, los Pulmones y la Sangre (NHLBI, por sus siglas en inglés).

[1]Facts About Blood Supply In The U.S. - Red Cross Blood Donation.

[2]Blood Donation by Gay and Bisexual Men -

[3]Recommendations for Evaluating Donor Eligibility Using ... - FDA. 12 May. 2023,

[4]Eligibility Requirements - Red Cross Blood Donation.

[5]Frequently Asked Questions - Red Cross Blood Donation.

[6]America's Blood Centers: Home.

[7]Inclusive Blood Donation Guidelines Updated | Red Cross Blood. 17 Aug. 2023,

CONTACTO: 703.508.8700 [email protected]

Atrocities in Ethiopia

(Mesfin Mekonen and Bart S. Fisher) - Has a Nobel Peace Prize ever been given to a less deserving candidate than Abiy Ahmed, the Prime Minister of Ethiopia, who received the award in 2019?  While there has been some attention in the media to Abiy’s deadly war in the northern region of Tigray in Ethiopia, little notice has been made regarding his ongoing repression of the Amhara people.  Under the leadership of Abiy the government has attacked churches, suppressed independent media serving the Amhara people, committed extrajudicial killings, and encouraged ethnic cleansing.  At least two million Amhara people have been killed or “disappeared” as a result of the massacres, including drone strikes, that have been undertaken against the Amhara.

The United States and the global community need to support fundamental human rights for the Amhara, the rule of law, and democracy.  The failure of the Biden administration to condemn crimes being committed on a daily basis by the autocratic regime of Abiy Ahmed encourages its continuing war on the Amhara people, creating needless suffering and the risk of violence that could destabilize the Horn of Africa.

The world should listen to Alice Wairimu Nderitu, the United Nations Special Advisor on the Prevention of Genocide, who warned the global community on October 10, 2023, of the ongoing risk of “genocide and related atrocity crimes” in Ethiopia.  The Lemkin Institute has alerted the world to “evidence of an ongoing process of genocide in the country against Amhara citizens.”  

We suggest that the U.S. government undertake a three-part strategy focused on cessation of hostilities, sanctions, and constitutional reform. 

First, the United States can and must play a significant role in promoting a settlement of this ever-escalating war against the Amhara by the government of Ethiopia.  At a minimum, the United States can promote collective efforts of local, regional, and global actors to bring about an immediate cessation of hostilities and attacks by the government of Ethiopia against its own people.  Lasting peace in Ethiopia requires an urgent and inclusive dialogue and reconciliation. 

Second, the White House and State Department should condemn the abuses the Abiy government is undertaking and condoning, and take steps to ameliorate the situation.  These steps include the imposition of targeted sanctions on the government officials who are responsible for abuses or who fail to protect the lives of innocent civilians. 

Third, the U.S. government should promote the drafting of a new constitution, an essential precondition to lasting peace and prosperity.  Article 39 of the 1994 constitution of Ethiopia grants rights for any ethnic group to secede and form a nation.  Thus, groups such as the Tigrayans and the Amhara currently have the constitutional right to secede, which of course sparks protracted civil war.  The ability of the central government to govern is undermined when every ethnic group has the right to secede.  The present constitution has exacerbated ethnic tensions.  If not revised, it will lead to the destruction of Ethiopia. 

Failure to act imperils the safety of millions of Amhara people and increases the risk of instability in the Horn of Africa, a region of great strategic importance to the United States. 


Mesfin Mekonen is Chairman of the Coalition of Ethiopian-American Civic Organizations 

Bart S. Fisher is Counsel for the Coalition of Ethiopian-American Civic Organizations

Marine Toys for Tots Announces Record-Breaking Year!

(NewsUSA) - Marine Toys for Tots had another record-breaking year in 2023 thanks to the generous support of the American public, National Corporate Partners, volunteers, and our dedicated local Coordinators. Your generosity makes a lasting impact on children in need. During 2023, Toys for Tots distributed nearly 25 million toys, books, games, and other gifts to over 10 million economically disadvantaged children. 

“You helped us deliver hope and comfort to children in need throughout the year, and for that, we are extremely humbled and proud. I extend my heartfelt appreciation to each and every one of you,” says LtGen James B. Laster, USMC (Retired), CEO of the Marine Toys for Tots Foundation. 

“Now, with a new year comes new resolve to be an even stronger force for good, because children growing up in poverty deserve nothing less,” he adds.  

The Marine Corps Reserve Toys for Tots Program, which is the U.S. Marine Corps’ premiere Community Action Program, provides security and hope to children and families in need at Christmastime and beyond.  

Toys for Tots is committed to providing emotional relief and support to disadvantaged children throughout the year with our Toys for Tots Literacy Program, Foster Care Initiative, Disaster Relief activities, and our Toys for Tots Native American Program. Today’s children are tomorrow’s future, and Marine Toys for Tots is dedicated to making it as bright as possible for children living in challenging circumstances, no matter the time of year.  

In 2023, with your help, Marine Toys for Tots achieved tremendous milestones by:   

• Delivering hope and comfort to over 10 million impoverished children. 

• Expanding our Foster Care Initiative by providing support to over 332,000 children living in Foster Care across the Nation.  

• Providing 100 truckloads of emotional relief gifts to nonprofit partner, Good360, to distribute to nonprofits across the Nation during the Spring and Summer months. 

•Assisting families affected by natural disasters in communities in Ohio, Tennessee, Kentucky, Puerto Rico, Florida, and Maui. 

•Supporting over 220,000 Native American children through our Toys for Tots Native American Program.  

• Distributing 3.2 million books to disadvantaged children through our Toys for Tots Literacy Program to include 1 million books to Title I funded schools, and books valued at $1.1 million to the Kids in Need Foundation (KINF).   

The assistance given was astronomical, and we are grateful to the American public, our National Corporate Partners, and our local Coordinators that enabled us to reach incredible milestones in the Program’s 76th year. 

Join us in 2024 as we strive to be an even stronger year-round force for good by providing hope for a brighter tomorrow to children in need. Visit to learn more about Marine Toys for Tots and to donate to any of our Programs.

Intelligence Community Leverages AI

(NewsUSA) - The future of the intelligence community will hinge on how well intelligence services can adopt and leverage artificial intelligence (AI) tools to make the most of the constant flow of data from all parts of the world, according to experts at the Special Competitive Studies Project (SCSP), a bipartisan nonprofit organization.

The U.S. Intelligence Community (IC) should take immediate action to leverage emerging generative AI (GenAI) capabilities to protect the nation and maintain our competitive advantage over global rivals, according to a new report from SCSP. The IC has been at the cutting edge of adopting emerging technology for decades, but GenAI will have an exceptionally broad impact, and will further complicate the already complex world of intelligence.

“Intelligence services will eventually need to plan and account for AI-enabled machines acting as semi-independent actors, directing operations and making decisions, both for our adversaries and allies,” according to the SCSP report.

Large Language Models (LLMs), the multi-modal models that can generate images, video, and sound, and other forms of GenAI will become more numerous, faster, more accurate, and more capable, according to the report. IC agencies will need to adapt their approaches to all aspects of the intelligence cycle, from planning and collection to analysis and dissemination.

The rapid expansion of AI provides the IC with an opportunity to make the changes needed to succeed in the digital era; the SCSP offers four actions for the U.S. intelligence community to consider.

Start using AI tools now. Training the IC workforce will help the IC create the infrastructure and policies needed to manage AI.

Be an agile adopter. ICs should partner with a foundation model provide to acquire their large language model, rather thran creating one from scratch.

Take on privacy concerns. The IC should tackle privacy issues head-on, giving IC agencies the authorization they need to secure and use personal data if necessary.

Collaborate when possible. The nature of intelligence is for different agencies to safeguard their own unique datasets and capabilities. However, the IC will need to strike a balance and promote coordinated approaches to innovation. Collaboration will not only yield economies of scale, but will avoid the proliferation of smaller LLMs that will pale in comparison to those of global rivals, such as the People’s Republic of China.

The SCSP also advises the U.S. intelligence community to create a committee on AI deployment and use to advise the DNI on the creation of IC datasets and AI algorithms to ensure access and responsibility.

For more information, visit

BookTrib’s Bites: Four Stories to Ward off the Winter

(NewsUSA) - Survival At Stake

Survival at Stake by Poorva Joshipura

With science recognizing animal consciousness, intelligence, emotion and morality, we must be aware of our own moral responsibilities toward other beings. But there's another reason to consider animals' well-being -- because it is intertwined with our own.

Leading animal rights activist Poorva Joshipura argues that, evolutionarily, humans are more like other animals than we care to believe. She examines how hunting wildlife leads to pandemics and epidemics, which, in turn, harm us; how the production of meat destroys forests and causes climate change, which, in turn, destroys us; how blood sports hurt both humans and animals; how leather production damages the environment and human health; how animal experimentation is often a threat to public health; how cruelty to animals leads to violent crimes; and so on. It’s time to take the necessary steps towards the betterment of all the planet's inhabitants. Purchase at

The idea peopleThe Idea People by Mike Lubow

It is 1987: the "greed is good" era. When anxious ad agency whiz Ben Franklin Green accidentally falls through a wall during a boardroom presentation, he hops a plane and flies west instead of returning to work. During a nostalgic sojourn in the eucalyptus and marijuana-scented playland of LA’s sexy Laurel Canyon, he plans to develop a book with his former mentor about the sham that is the advertising business.

But his plans are short-lived when his mentor's outdoorsy daughter is kidnapped while working in the Rocky Mountain wilds. Ben, with the creativity of a Madison Avenue idea man, becomes an unlikely detective as he is drawn into the case.

Ben's interest in nature, loyalty to his friends, and an uncanny ability to see what others miss allow him to become a rare bird who finds a new life in the Wild West. Purchase at

MoonsMoons by R.E. Mason

This is a tale of two worlds at cross-purposes, orbiting around a once-habitable planet. Two men, strangers to each other, are commissioned to find and bring their chosen heir back to claim her right to ascendency in time to stop a despot from taking control of both Moons.

 Moons, an action-packed sci-fi adventure novel, is written by a happily retired, blind octogenarian living in the Bay Area in Northern California. As a lad, he was curious for what he might find on the other side of the hill, and throughout his life, he sought to find it. He felt he belonged somewhere else, and that someday they would come for him. He created that world, that adventure, those people and friends, where he can go from time to time. This first excursion, Moons, takes him to that other world. Purchase at

The unexpected benefitsThe Unexpected Benefits of Being Run Over by Naseem Rochette

Breaking doesn’t mean you’re broken.

In a pedestrian crosswalk on a quiet street, Naseem is hit and then run over three times. She hears her fate in her husband’s screams. Is he watching the mother of his children die?

Miraculously, she survives, yet she is no longer the person she was. Her “cracks”—the changes to her body and mind—initially feel impossible to accept. In learning to embrace this new, unrecognizable self, Naseem decides to celebrate the day she almost lost her life as the day she discovered her true strength—her Unbreakable Day.

In this unique memoir, equal parts heart wrenching and inspiring, Naseem lays bare the reality of personal trauma—and how we each have the power to reimagine our lives and find beauty in being both broken and unbreakable. Named Book of the Year in the Best Indie Book Award. Purchase at


School Choice is the "New Normal"

(NewsUSA) - What do parents really think about school choice in 2024? A new survey by the National School Choice Awareness Foundation sheds light on what they're thinking, and looking for, as National School Choice Week spurs families to start the process of choosing new schools for the fall. Two truths, and one oft-repeated myth, offer insights into how they'll shape the landscape of education with the choices they make.

Here's truth number one. Parents are more interested in changing their children's schools than they were during the pandemic. 72% considered new schools for their children last year compared to 52% in 2022. If you're not the parent of a school age child, you'd be forgiven for assuming parents crave stability after the upheaval of the 2021-22 and 2022-23 school years, but the data says something different. The high water mark of interest in choosing a new school during the pandemic came in the fall of 2020, when 63% of parents were considering it. Yet this month, January 2024, 72% said they have considered choosing a new school for their child in the last year.

Truth number two is this: America’s parents know that school choice is expanding––and they are talking about it. More than half of parents say their state now offers more education options, and the majority also say they've talked about school enrollment decisions with friends and families in the last month. More options, and more open conversation about these choices, is what we can expect in this "new normal"

Here's the myth: school choice is a partisan issue. The truth of the matter is that school choice decisions are personal, not political. If you're only listening to the pundits, it may surprise you to hear that parents who identify as Democrats are searching for new schools at a higher rate than those who identify as Republicans. On the other hand, parents identifying as Republicans are interested in choosing public schools for their kids at the same levels as parents who identify as Democrats.

Clearly, school choice is the new normal for American families. Thankfully, 27,000 schools, homeschool groups, and community leaders are stepping up to take part in National School Choice Week, ensuring that parents see the options in their community firsthand. Millions of parents are doing their part to proactively explore the changing educational landscape for their children. Working together, educators and parents are poised to ensure that this new normal puts kids first.

Shelby Doyle, based in Nashville, TN, is the vice president of public awareness at the National School Choice Awareness Foundation, the 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization that hosts National School Choice Week each January and maintains the nation’s largest online portfolio of English- and Spanish-language school navigation resources.


Abra Achieves Remarkable 40-Year Milestone and Unveils Another Mile, Another Milestone Campaign

(Charlotte, N.C. (January 22, 2024)) - In celebration of an extraordinary 40 years in the industry, Abra, a distinguished leader in collision repair, embarks on a new chapter with the launch of its Another Mile, Another Milestone campaign. This significant achievement marks not just the passage of time, but the enduring commitment to providing impeccable collision repair services, ensuring vehicles are restored Right the First Time, On Time.

As Abra sets its sights on the next 40+ years, the new campaign goes beyond the mechanical aspect of vehicles. Abra recognizes that cars are witnesses to life's defining moments – from the excitement of the first car to the dependability of the last. Abra's dedication extends beyond repairing dents and scratches; it's about preserving life's memories on wheels. Each story and every memory fuels Abra's passion for excellence.

To kick off the campaign, Abra invites customers to participate in a special giveaway running through Wednesday, January 31, 2024. By visiting, customers have the chance to win one of five Apple® Watches. To enter, participants must share a significant milestone from their life, whether achieved or anticipated in 2024, along with their first and last name, email, and address. Entries will be accepted until Wednesday, January 31, 11:59 p.m. EST.

“40 years in business is an incredible milestone. Our Abra owners are dedicated to helping their customers quickly and safely return to the road following an accident with its longstanding commitment to repairing a vehicle right the first time and on time,” said Wayne Kelly, VP of operations and development, Abra. “This campaign showcases Abra’s continued commitment to those who have supported us for the past 40 years, through giving back to our customers and our communities.”

Each entry will be matched with a $1 contribution from Abra to the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation. Financial matching will max out 5,000 entries or $5,000 to the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation. If the maximum numbers of entries are not reached, Abra will still fulfill the $5,000 donation. 

The Another Mile, Another Milestone campaign will incorporate radio, print, social media and digital advertising. The advertising campaign and contest elements are available on the Abra social media channels. 

For more information on Abra visit

NO PURCHASE NECESSARY. A PURCHASE WILL NOT INCREASE YOUR CHANCES OF WINNING. Open to legal residents who are of age of majority in the United States. Void where prohibited. Sweepstakes begins 1/15/24 and ends 1/31/24. For Official Rules, prize descriptions and odds disclosure, click here. Sponsor: Driven Brands Inc. d/b/a Abra Auto Body Repair of America, 440 S Church St #700, Charlotte, NC 28202.


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