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Small Music Stand Makes a Big Difference

(NewsUSA) -With the reopening of in-person events and activities comes a reassessment of how to carry the necessary gear for those activities.

For performing musicians or kids taking music lessons, the music stand has long been a sticking point. Many portable music stands are problematic, with sharp edges that can damage instruments, and pointy edges that poke through bags.

The Wee Stand by Noisy Clan is designed to tackle the main problems of portable stands.

Whether you are a musician on the go, or the parent of a music student, the Wee Stand's unique features and smooth design may be music to the ears of those who need to transport music stands.

The creators of Wee Stand are musicians and parents, and they were inspired to design the stand after frustration with the current options.

"Our kids had become experts at juggling it all - rucksacks, PE kits, instruments, music bags, and music stands - but it was always the stands that wouldn't fit," the inventors say on the company website.

"As parents and as lifelong musicians, we didn't want anything to get in the way of our children's joy in playing music," they explain.

Adult musicians will also appreciate the sleek design and features of the stand, which is durable, portable, and versatile. The stand is engineered to fold flat for easy packing into a bag or backpack, or even a pocket, with no rough edges.

- Size matters. Not only does the Wee Stand weigh in at less than 20 ounces, it expands from a compact tabletop mode of 11 inches to full standing height of 49 inches, with intermediate height options of 18 inches, 25 inches, 33.5 inches, and 41 inches.

- Easy reading. The Wee Stand includes sheet saver tabs to hold sheet music in place, but also features a pair of swing-out swivel clips that accommodate books or multiple sheets.

- Steady and Ready. The Wee Stand is simple to assemble, and the carbon fiber legs are easy to extend and retract, with rubber feet to hold the stand in place. A combination counterweight and carrying strap allows users to add stability.

Visit for more information about the product and the company's kickstarter page.


Generar Confianza en La Ciencia de Las Vacunas

(NewsUSA) -Durante la pandemia, Geraldine Bradshaw, directora de escuela en Durham, North Carolina, trabajó como voluntaria para un ensayo clínico que evaluaba una de las vacunas contra el COVID-19. Dice que sus estudiantes la motivaron a hacerlo y, a su vez, quiso motivar a los afroamericanos, como ella. "Me dio la posibilidad de ayudar a allanar el camino para que estos niños tengan un futuro mejor", dice Bradshaw, "y mostrarles lo importante que es que personas como ellos contribuyan con el progreso de la ciencia".

Ahora, Bradshaw puede ver cómo su participación dio frutos, dado que la mitad de los adultos se ha vacunado por completo.

"La ciencia es parte de la solución para poner fin a esta pandemia", dice Gary H. Gibbons, M.D., director del Instituto Nacional del Corazón, los Pulmones y la Sangre, que forma parte de los Institutos Nacionales de la Salud (NIH, por sus siglas en inglés).

Y a lo largo del camino, en cada paso hacia el descubrimiento científico, la seguridad está primero. La seguridad es una guía constante en el camino científico hacia las vacunas y los tratamientos. La seguridad marca la dirección para los líderes científicos, como Gibbons, que evalúan y financian la investigación. La seguridad y la ciencia, informa también el reclutamiento de voluntarios - como Bradshaw- quienes colaboran con los investigadores y participan en los ensayos clínicos, delimitan la supervisión rigurosa y continua de los estudios, determinan la aprobación reglamentaria, encaminan las iniciativas de participación en las comunidades y guían a los médicos, enfermeras y enfermeros que trasladan estos descubrimientos a los pacientes.

Sin embargo, los mitos y la información engañosa han generado dudas, confusión y desconfianza. Esto ha dado lugar a esfuerzos para que muchas comunidades, en especial las más afectadas por el COVID-19, hablen sobre por qué deben confiar en la ciencia detrás de las nuevas vacunas y tratamientos.

"Informar a la gente de mi comunidad sobre la seguridad y la eficacia de estas vacunas, y cómo funcionan, es mi pasión", dice Ian Moore, Ph.D., uno de los jefes de patologías infecciosas del Instituto Nacional de Alergias y Enfermedades Infecciosas, también parte de los NIH, quien supervisa la seguridad en las primeras fases de investigación de las vacunas en el laboratorio.

Moore no está solo. "Puedo decir con plena certeza que esta vacuna es segura y eficaz", dice Lisa A. Cooper, M.D., M.P.H., profesora de medicina y salud pública de la Universidad Johns Hopkins, quien evaluó y supervisó el ensayo clínico de la vacuna de Moderna contra el COVID-19, la cual probó ser segura y tener un 94% de eficacia para prevenir el desarrollo de una enfermedad grave. "Mi función me permite disipar cualquier preocupación que planteen familiares y amigos, y asegurarme de que sigan confiando en la ciencia".

Y para muchos otros que velan por la seguridad e integridad del proceso de investigación, es un tema personal.

"Parte de mi función como médica en enfermedades infecciosas es desarrollar determinados protocolos clínicos", dice Katya Corado, M.D., investigadora del Instituto Lundquist. "Puedo proporcionar información segura a nuestras comunidades que han sido devastadas por el COVID. Ya no quiero ver a mis padres, mis abuelos o mis primos morir a causa del COVID".

Nuestros esfuerzos de alcance a la comunidad han ayudado. De acuerdo con una encuesta realizada por el Pew Research Center en febrero, aproximadamente el 70 % de todos los adultos y el 61 % de los adultos afroamericanos tiene previsto vacunarse, en comparación con el 60 % de todos los adultos y el 42 % de los adultos negros encuestados en noviembre.

Y según los Centros de Control y Prevención de Enfermedades, de los más de 123 millones de adultos que fueron vacunados por completo en mayo, aproximadamente 1949, menos del .001 %, presentó un caso grave de COVID-19.

Como mensajero de confianza de su comunidad, Olveen Carrasquillo, M.D., M.P.H., jefe de medicina interna general de la Universidad de Miami, difunde este tipo de noticias a través de iniciativas de alcance a la comunidad. "Como médico de la comunidad latina, con más de 20 años de experiencia, es muy importante para mí que nuestras comunidades tan afectadas reciban la atención y la educación que necesitan y merecen", manifiesta. "Para asegurar que mi comunidad sobreviva al COVID-19, debo instruir a los pacientes, familiares y amigos sobre la ciencia relacionada con el COVID-19 y el desarrollo de las vacunas".

Y Chyke Doubeni, M.D., médico de familia de la Mayo Clinic y participante en el ensayo de la vacuna, expresa: "Ahora les digo a todos, con certeza, que vacunarse es seguro. Lo sé porque yo he estado involucrado."

Para más información acerca de la ciencia y los recursos relacionados con el COVID-19 en su comunidad, visite

Building Trust in the Science of Vaccines

(NewsUSA) - During the pandemic, Geraldine Bradshaw, a school principal in Durham, North Carolina, volunteered for a clinical trial that tested one of the COVID-19 vaccines. She says her students inspired her to do so and she in turn wanted to inspire African Americans like herself. "It gave me the power to help pave a way for these children to have a better future," Bradshaw says, "and show them how important it is that people who look like them aid in the progression of science."

Now, Bradshaw can see how her participation paid off, as half of adults are fully vaccinated.

"Science is part of the solution to ending this pandemic," says Gary H. Gibbons, M.D., director of the National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute, part of the National Institutes of Health.

And at every step on the pathway to scientific discovery, safety leads the way. Safety always guides the scientific pathway toward vaccines and treatments. Safety steers scientific leaders like Gibbons, who review and fund research. Safety, and science also inform recruitment of volunteers like Bradshaw, who partners with researchers and participate in clinical trials, frames the rigorous and continuous oversight of studies, determines regulatory approval, guides engagement efforts in communities, and directs doctors and nurses who bring these discoveries to patients.

Yet myths and misleading information have generated questions, confusion, and mistrust. This has spurred an effort for many communities, especially those hit hardest by COVID-19, to talk about why they should trust the science behind new vaccines and treatments.

"It is my passion to communicate the safety and efficacy of these vaccines, and how they work, to people in the community," says Ian Moore, Ph.D., a chief of infectious disease pathology at the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, also part of the NIH, who oversaw safety at the earliest stages of vaccine research in the lab.

Moore's in good company. "I can say with the utmost confidence that this vaccine is safe and effective," says Lisa A. Cooper, M.D., M.P.H., a professor of medicine and public health at Johns Hopkins University, who reviewed and monitored Moderna's COVID-19 vaccine trial, which proved safe and 94% effective at preventing severe illness. "My role allows me to ease any concerns raised by family and friends and make sure they continue to trust the science."

And for many others on the scientific pathway, it's personal.

"Part of my role as an infectious disease physician is developing certain clinical protocols," says Katya Corado, M.D., a researcher at the Lundquist Institute. "I am able to confidently provide details to our communities which have been devastated by COVID. I no longer want to see my parents, my grandparents, or my cousins dying of COVID."

This type of outreach only seems to help. According to a Pew Research Center survey conducted in February, nearly 70% of all adults and 61% of Black adults planned to get vaccinated compared to 60% of all adults and 42% of Black adults polled in November.

And according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, among the more than 123 million adults who were fully vaccinated in May, approximately 1,949, less than .001%, reported severe COVID-19 illness.

As a trusted messenger within his community, Olveen Carrasquillo, M.D., M.P.H., a chief of general internal medicine at the University of Miami, shares this type of news through community-engaged outreach. "As a Latino physician, with more than 20 years of experience, it is very important to me that our hardest-hit communities receive the care and education they need and deserve," he says. "To ensure my community survives COVID-19, I educate my patients, family, and friends on the science surrounding COVID-19 and vaccine development."

And Chyke Doubeni, M.D., a family physician at the Mayo Clinic and a vaccine trial participant, shares, "I now tell everybody with confidence, that getting the vaccine is safe. I know, because I was involved."

To learn more about COVID-19 science and resources in your community, visit

Remote Areas Embrace Satellite Internet to Work from Home

Even as the pandemic wanes and more workers return to in-person settings, employers and employees recognize that the workplace model has changed, and the demand for internet service will likely remain high.

However, reliable, affordable internet service remains a challenge in many parts of the country, notably in rural areas.

Companies such as Viasat have stepped up to connect unserved and underserved areas, and they have optimized their network based on customer needs and overall increased demand. Satellite internet service helps bridge the "digital divide" by providing service in remote areas that fall outside the zones where terrestrial providers are unable to serve.

Leading global consumer-technology media brand, CNET, recently named Viasat "best satellite provider" of 2021 for U.S. rural internet service because of its high speed, high data volume, and reasonable prices for Wi-Fi equipment rental costs. Many people living in remote regions before the pandemic, as well as those who moved from urban to rural areas seeking more space in the midst of the pandemic, discovered they can perform their jobs effectively without commuting when connected to reliable and quality internet.

In a recent survey conducted by Viasat, users in these remote regions responded that email was the most important internet service they needed to work from home, followed by the ability to make video calls, and satellite internet supports these functions.

In addition, many older residents in remote areas have discovered that reliable internet access brings safety and connection with family, friends, and medical care.

Moreover, 66% of respondents in these remote regions said that they plan to work from home in the future if given a choice. Satellite internet service makes it possible for residents in remote areas to work and remain productive from home.

For more information, visit

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